As men in the world today face challenges and obstacles against them and their masculinity, I wanted to help bring back our focus and reaffirm the place of husbands, fathers, and sons within the Church.
The Sanctus brand is intended to be wearable, strong, and deeply Catholic with an emphasis on spiritual warfare. We put our hands up and allow demons to rule our lives if we close our eyes to reality and the fact that spiritual warfare does indeed exist. When you support Sanctus Co, you not only make your place known as a soldier of Christ's Church, but you become part of our mission to form and lead men in the faith, and give them the tools to achieve our primary goal of reaching Heaven as brothers, with all of those we can.
A portion of proceeds go to supporting the Doloran Fathers, a newly founded order of priests who's ministry focuses on providing in Exorcism and care for those in greatest spiritual need.
I thank you for your support! Keep the Faith!
One In Christ Forever,